Audit FY 2023/24 - Notice of Public Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023/24
Each year Hartley Wintney Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR was approved at our Full Council meeting on 03 June 2024 and the notice was published on 05 June 2024.
This external audit has now concluded, please see the completed Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2023.24 and Notice of Conclusion of Audit.
The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Hartley Wintney Parish Council on application to; Executive Clerk;
The period for the Notice For The Period For The Exercise Of Public Rights was posted on our Notice Board and this website.
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JULY 2024
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JUNE 2024
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MAY 2024
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APRIL 2024
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Precept 2024 / 2025
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MARCH 2024
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These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology and are in the following formats: .pdf. Request an accessible format.
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JULY 2023
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JUNE 2023
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MAY 2023
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APRIL 2023
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Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022/23
Notice of conclusion of audit 2022/23
Each year Hartley Wintney Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR was approved at our Full Council meeting on 05 June 2023 and the notice was published on 12 June 2023.
This external audit has now concluded, please see the completed Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2022.23 and Notice Of Conclusion of Audit.
The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Hartley Wintney Parish Council on application to; Executive Clerk;
The period for the Notice For The Period For The Exercise Of Public Rights 22/23 was posted on our Notice Board and this website.
Precept 2022 / 2023
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March 2023
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February 2023
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January 2023
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December 2022
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November 2022
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October 2022
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September 2022
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August 2022
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July 2022
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June 2022
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May 2022
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April 2022
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Notice of conclusion of audit 2021/22
Each year Hartley Wintney Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR was approved at our Full Council meeting on 06 June 2022 and the notice was published on 20 June 2022.
This external audit has now concluded, please see the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 and Notice of Conclusion of Audit.
The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Hartley Wintney Parish Council on application to; Executive Clerk;
The period for the Exercise Of Public Rights 2021 22 was posted on our Notice Board and this website.
March 2022
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February 2022
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January 2022
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December 2021
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November 2021
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October 2021
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September 2021
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August 2021
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July 2021
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June 2021
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May 2021
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April 2021
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Precept 2021 / 2022
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Hartley Wintney Parish Council approved the End of Year Statements for 2020/21 at our Full Council meeting on 23 June 2021.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 was also approved and signed. You can view the completed Return here.
The period for the Exercise of Public Rights was posted on our Notice Board and this website.
The Notice of Completion of Audit was posted on our Notice Board and this website.
March 2021
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February 2021
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January 2021
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December 2020
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November 2020
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October 2020
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September 2020
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August 2020
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Historical Audit Statements
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Please note that information predating that shown on this page can be made available upon request by contacting the Parish Office